Mission, Beliefs and Values

Mission Statement

Core Beliefs

We believe that God longs to be in a loving relationship with all people – and that includes you. St Paul’s provides a safe place for ALL people. God will sustain you throughout all of life’s joys and sorrows. With Christ as your Savior, you do not need to fear evil or death. You are a child of God. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, or whatever you’ve been through, we welcome you to love, worship, and serve God alongside us as we witness to all the wonderful things God has done.

Core Values

1. Worship: Jesus is at the heart of who we are and what we do.
We value the worship of the Triune God and this value influences everything we do at St Paul’s. St Paul’s values the historic building in which our worship usually takes place. St Paul’s also values richness and variety in its musical and liturgical tradition. Baptism, The Lord’s Supper, The Word and Prayer in the name of Jesus are central to who we are as God’s people.

2. Welcoming: All people experience Jesus’ love at St Paul’s.
Fellowship is a core value of St Paul’s. St Paul’s highly values social and community events which welcome both members and visitors alike. St Paul’s values diversity and inclusion. St Paul’s seeks to actively engage with the local community so that all people will know they are welcomed by Jesus.

3. Caring for each other: We are all Ministers caring for each other.
The involvement of Pastors and Lay people in caring for every member is highly valued at St Paul’s. The physical, emotional and spiritual needs of members who are able, and those who are not able, to attend St Paul’s are nurtured by staff and volunteers.

4. Learning to live the Christian life: Living abundantly is a life-long learning journey.
In response to the abundant life Jesus has given us – members and friends of St Paul’s highly value opportunities to learn more about Jesus and how this knowledge, with the power of the Holy spirit, influences the way we live.

5. The community needs us: We are blessed to be a blessing.
There are many physical, emotional and spiritual needs in our community. For this community St Paul’s is the church with a heart in the heart of downtown Toledo. We serve, because people need what we have: the abundant life given by Jesus.